Gardening Tips and Tricks

Spring is working its way here and we’re sure you’re getting ready for all the planting to come.  So, here are a few tips and tricks to help get you ready when the warmer weather decides to stick around.

– Before pouring soil in a container, add a coffee filter to the bottom to prevent soil from falling while still allowing water drainage.

– If you’re starting seeds indoors, try creating a greenhouse for those small pots by cutting the top off a two liter bottle to act as a cloche.

– For planting in large containers, try adding packing peanuts (don’t use those made from corn as they will disintegrate too quickly) to the bottom followed by a layer of landscape material before adding soil.  The peanuts will provide great drainage while not adding too much weight to a large container and the landscape material will prevent the soil from filtering down through the peanuts.

– Use mint dental floss to tie up climbers as the floss is delicate enough to not harm the plant while the mint in the floss will help to keep some bugs at bay.

– Save your banana peels and place them around rose bushes to help give them an extra boost of nutrients!